
Why did gandalf turn white
Why did gandalf turn white

why did gandalf turn white why did gandalf turn white

Gandalf nudged the man to get his attention, and he snaps out of his trance. I smirked, hello handsome, my cheeks burned a shade of crimson as I realized my thought process. Including a young man about my height, maybe even taller. “This is Y/n Y/l/n, I believed she could be a wonderful asset to our quest.” The raven-haired man couldn’t keep his eyes off me, it was like he was dazed, now that I think about it every dwarf’s gaze was still on me. Continuing on I came across the thirteen dwarves Gandalf had mentioned. It was small and cozy, I wish my home looked like this. Setting my bag down by the front door, I took in everything. “Uh, c-come in.” He steps to the side, and I walked forward, they must’ve been expecting me. The door opened to reveal a hobbit, not as tall as me but he was up to my shoulders. It’s just a bunch of dwarves, nothing to be worried about. Taking a deep breath I knocked, and the voices I had heard went quiet.

why did gandalf turn white

And eventually, I stood in front of the green door with a dwarven letter carved into it. Of course, after a few days of traveling to the shire I wanted to turn back to see if she was alright, but I knew I had to keep going. She knew how everything worked, she was always there next to me when I was taking care of business anyhow.

why did gandalf turn white

While I was going to be missing, I put her in charge of the kingdom. I’ll be back before you know it.” Lani was like a younger sister to me, the one always hiding behind the older one. Take care of things while I’m gone, I have faith in you Lani. Gwaihir, lord of eagles, carried him to Lothlórien, where he was healed of his injuries and re-clothed in white robes by Galadriel.“Do you have to leave?” Lani asked as she handed me my bag, she was always the nervous one. Gandalf was eventually "sent back" as Gandalf the White, and returned to life on the mountain top. Because Saruman had abandoned his purpose Eru appointed Gandalf to be the next white wizard. Gandalf came back as the white wizard because the current white wizard ( Saruman) had turned his back on what the Maia were meant to be doing in Middle Earth and had joined Sauron in his goal of domination of Middle Earth. He was a pupil of the Valar, Nienna, who taught him pity and patience. Gandalf's true name is Olórin, a wise Maia spirit from the Undying Lands. Frequently Asked Questions What is Gandalf's real name?

Why did gandalf turn white